If I let down my guard
The tears might come
If the tears come, they might not end
What will gush out is painful
What if I can’t control it?
What if it doesn’t stop?
Like a powerful waterfall that keeps pouring forth water
Like a fire hose whose spray doesn’t dwindle
Like a volcano erupting and spewing forth its lava
What is within is sacred and not for all
And I’m so tired, so very tired
Tired of trying to hold it all together
Tired of containing that which lies within
Tired of running on near empty
Tired of being who everyone else needs me to be
And not even knowing who I am
I feel like a wilted flower
A discarded ornament
A wounded lioness trying to protect her pride
A car running on one cylinder
I feel alone
Who am I to complain?
Others are in, and have been through, far more difficult situations than me
I’m sure somehow this is entirely my fault
If I was just a different personality
If I just ‘got over it’
If I just looked at things more positively
I should be able to move on
I’m sure I would be judged, misunderstood, compared, if I allowed what is contained to rise to the surface
I’m not sure if I can even put words to what surges within
I’m not sure if I want to put words to it
I don’t need someone to ‘fix’ me or to pretend to have the answers
I want someone to listen
To step into my world and walk alongside me
What is within is sacred and not for all
I wonder what it might be like to allow someone in
To be real, loved, not judged
To release some of that hidden force into still and quiet waters
To be gentle with myself
To be loved and accepted